Similarities between The Qu'ran and The Bible
The Koran and its world view foundations
Familiar with the contents of the Bible can affect the proximity of the stories of the Quran from the Holy book of Jews (old Testament or first part of the Bible) and Christians, read along with the old Testament and the second part – the New Testament. Yes, it is. Mohammed and the compilers of the Quran knew the Bible, borrowing it from a place and in a modified form adapting to the cult of Allah. Therefore, we see the similarity of many ideas, precepts, maxims, and even the characters of these two books.The researchers believe that the number of verses of the Koran is about two thirds of the verses in the New Testament.
It is not a book only about religion
In connection with the attempts in our time to present the Qur'an in less religious book and a source for the burning issues like “right to live” and understand the world, we have to make major revisions. We will not close your eyes to all the contents of the Koran and say about him in accordance with what we have. Let them not be offended at me for the rightness of those who used to read the Koran as a secular guide moral and ethical rules and norms.In the same way as the Bible, the Qur'an must be considered primarily a book of religious content. Remember that it derives from the emerging of a new religion – Islam. Accordingly, the content is due, above all, the needs of the emergence of Islam as a religious system. Along with this, of course, not bypassed and a side of purely secular content of the then Arab life. Last I would like to emphasize in connection with the attempts to absolutize the contents of the Koran as if it is true “at all times” and “for all people”. In the very same book says that it is “an Arabic Quran” (12, 2; 20, 112; 39, 29; 41, 2 etc.), “Arab law” (13, 37). It is clear that during the preparation of the book it was revealed to the Arabs their Arab deity Allah. Just as the extension of the limits of the Caliphate and the development of Islam as a theological system the Quran is absolutized in the same way as Allah: “to Allah belongs both East and West, and wherever you turned, there is the face of Allah” (2, 109).Adaptation
The contents of the Koran are multi-layered. It is based on mythological ideas of the Semites, reinterpreted and adapted to the faith in Allah. World, earth, people, animals represented by the instantaneous result of God's creation, its absolutely free of any creative act: “He is the Creator of heaven and earth, and when he decrees a matter, he only says to him “Be!” and it is” (2, 111). The land seems to spread out a “carpet” of the plane, the call placed at the edges of the mountains. Set the heavens as a “firmament”, the seven arches, and the lower set of attached stars, the sun and the moon. Beyond the heavenly dome are the dwellings of Allah is surrounded by angels. They praise the Creator and carry out his orders. After death the soul of man is undergoing all kinds of tests and finally gets to a place of eternal stay in heaven (ar. al-Jannah – a garden) or hell (art. Jahannam – hell, flame).We see that in these views, spontaneously reflects attitudes of the ethnic group of the Arabian Peninsula, has experienced the influence from the followers of other religions – Jews, Christians, and Aristov (Pars), in particular.
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