Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pearl of Great Price

In this post we will consider answering the question of the uniqueness of Christianity. What blessings can you find in Christianity and anywhere else? Or you can use the parable of Jesus about the merchant, seeking precious pearls, who having found the pearl of great price, goes and
sells all that he has, after peg buys it (Matthew 13:45-46). What is in the Christian doctrine so dear to the pearl?There are at least four aspects, which the Christians consider how special and unique their faith is

1) Knowledge of God: the concept of revelation and how the one true God reveals Himself through Christ

People everywhere are sincerely seeking God. Excessive attention to factor the greatness and power of God can do It in the view of the distant, impersonal, unknowable. Religion can become a dead set of laws and rules rather than a relationship of love that exists between God the Creator and
people, His creations. The uniqueness of Christianity is that one true God, Who loves mankind and wants to establish with the people closest and a trust relationship has revealed Himself through Christ that all people might know Him as your Father in Heaven. Therefore, there is no greater joy and honor than to know God and to know him as Father.

2) The Forgiveness of sins: the concept of purification, and how the one true God forgives us through the sacrifice of Christ

Most religions call people to repentance, but this call depends on the end of sin, i.e. what exactly need to repent. Some people consider themselves sinners because the committed some evil act, not because they were born a sinner, or that in their hearts lives a sinful nature. So the call to repentance such people understand the need to repent the violation of rituals and morals and strive to atone for specific sins and go back by doing good deeds. The biblical concept of sin shows that true forgiveness is not only erase bad deeds of the great Ledger. First of all you need to realize that all have sinned against God because of the sinfulness of our thoughts, words, affairs and of life itself. So all need forgiveness to be able to establish a right relationship between God and man. Sin separates us from God and true forgiveness is only possible through the sacrifice of Christ, which man has the ability to communicate with God. In fact, many people have feelings of guilt about the mistakes, and they genuinely feel need to be confident that they are forgiven. Therefore, a man can have no greater pleasure and value than to know that his sins have been forgiven.

3) Assurance of salvation: the difference between law and grace as the basis of God approval

Many religions teach that God forgives sin, but the basis of forgiveness in different religions are different. In some cases, a salvation based on obedience to human law, whereas in Christianity it is based solely on God's grace. Others tell people what they must do to earn salvation; Christianity tells man that made God to give him salvation. Therefore, in the first case, there is no assurance of salvation, because in this world people do not can know for sure where God has ordained it in heaven or hell. However, in Christianity, even if the people themselves do not consider themselves worthy of God's forgiveness, on the basis of Christ's death God gives the salvation that man must accept by faith. Good works in the Christian life is important, but salvation and acceptance of man by God is not depending on these cases. Therefore, there is no greater joy and honor than to know that God has accepted a person.

4) Change of heart: the difference between the external reforms and internal changes

In many countries, religious leaders are taking decisive actions to bring their society in line with the principles, laws and the rules of their religion. Sometimes these actions lead to conflicts between
religious tip and a certain part of the population rebelling against such orders perceived by them as harmful and destructive. Good examples of this we see in the doctrine of Christ, whence we learn that
the man, that defiles a sinful heart that no external reforms edit. The people themselves are their own character and can not change. They are not able to turn sinful desires to righteous or the love of sin, love of righteousness. Only new life and strength given by God, can change a man and give him the ability to live a righteous life of obedience to God's will. Therefore, there is no greater joy and honor than receiving this new life and strength from God giving us the Holy Spirit. So help each of us live God to find this "pearl of great price", no matter how much it may cost.

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