Friday, July 15, 2016

Christian Way To Union With God

Wanting to find the right "path" of prayer

A christian way should consider all the foregoing essential components of the way of Christ, Whose "food is to do the will of him who sent [Him] to do His work" (Jn 4: 34). The most complete unity
Jesus with the Father constantly expressed in deep prayer. The father sends Him to people, to sinners, even to those who would kill Him.

He is most closely to unite with his Father in obedience to His will. There is no contradiction with individual prayer. During the earthly life of Jesus sometimes removed in wilderness, there to pray, to connect with the Father and receive from Him a new force to accomplish Its mission in the world. On mount Tabor, which is clearly evident His unity with the Father, talking about His upcoming passion (cf LK 9, 31) and absolutely unacceptable is the proposal of the Apostles to remain "three tabernacles". Any form contemplative Christian prayer always leads to love of neighbor, to action and suffering, and that thus this it draws one close to God.

To get closer to the mystery of belonging of man to God from Christian way

The Eastern Fathers of the Church called the theosis of man and christian way , and to understand how the way it's done, you need to remember that man is by nature  and always will be a creation.

Never going to be possible is that the "I" God has absorbed the "I" person, even in the highest States of grace. However, we must recognize that the human person is created "in the image and likeness"
Of God and the archetype of this image is the Son of God, and for Which the all (cf 1, 16). This archetype shows us the greatest and deepest mystery Christianity: the Son is always the "other" in relation to the Father, but the Holy Spirit He "consubstantial with the Father". As a result of "otherness" is not evil, but rather the the greatest benefit. There is otherness in God, which has a single nature in three Persons, and distinction of God and creation, resulting from differences of nature. Finally, in the Eucharist and other sacraments, Christ gives us Himself, making us participants in His divine without disturbing nature of the creature, where He is involved with Embodiment.

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