Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Spiritual world - evolutionary process of understanding

Understanding the most important of all questions at the beginning of it all

The evidence given in the ancient scripts allow us to proceed to the question of Knowledge of God,
which God requires from man in a rather harsh manner, saying:

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest unto Me"
(Hos. 4:6).

creationThe apparent eternity and inviolability of the world religions nothing more than an illusion, for what a few thousand years of the existence of these religions in comparison with many tens of thousands of years of modern humanity and the same time spiritual people search?

According to scripts:
"But not only polytheism but animism and proto-animism are not limited to muddy, random, subjective images that arose in the consciousness of primitive humanity: trans-physical reality is behind them. Providence because Providence is that it never left peoples and races to be the plaything of phantasms and illusions, without any opportunity to get in touch with the highest reality".

Religion and pagan beliefs both confirmative of the knowledge

Analysis of world religions and pagan beliefs confirms the knowledge. Consider for this purpose the text of the Bible. All the old Testament permeate the history of the unjust kings, was inclined to paganism, and righteous, returning to Monotheism.

As you know, the Bible begins with the Torah (Pentateuch). It includes the 613 rules of living, including all of the famous 10 commandments. These rules tie all aspects of human life, ranging from the household to the sacred. Nevertheless, before the New Testament Scripture on the average every forty or fifty years, there is a new prophetic and doctrinal books, giving new life rules, often rejecting the old. An example can be the words of the prophet Hosea:

"For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and The Knowledge of GOD than burnt offerings" (Hos. 6, 6).

To understand how it sounded the statement of Hosea, it is necessary to delve into people's ideas of the era. For two centuries there was the First Temple in Jerusalem. Many generations of priests specialized in the rituals of various sacrifices committed in honor of the holidays and for various transgressions. This was established by God and recorded in the Torah. And it turns out that Behoudens more important than sacrifice.

In what direction the spiritual evolution of the knowledge of God reflected, though with great delay and difficulty in the world religions?
Let's start with the fact that of the availability of the Program of evolution of the Universe, as a private investigation, the conclusion follows that all religions are given to mankind from a single Center and according to a single plan.

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