Thursday, July 14, 2016

Islamization spread throughout the World

Islamization was a unique case in the history of great civilizations, you could not keep the earlier written tradition.

Almost everywhere the masterpieces of the first Millennium became a starting point for further intellectual life. Until the beginning of the New time in Europe was esteemed works of classical Greek, Latin (and ancient Jewish) teachers. In India, special respect enjoyed the work in Sanskrit and Prakrit, and in the far East – in Chinese. In the Islamic world has developed the reverse situation. At the stage of early Islam Arabic, and later Persian literature supplanted the Semitic and Iranian                                                                                                           cultural heritage.

Traditional pre-Islamic literature and its translation has almost disappeared, preserved only in tiny isolated communities.

However, the elements of the old tradition of covertly infiltrated the new literature, although the great ancient works remained unknown to Muslims. Instead, the followers of Islam developed a new classical model. On the literary level, which involved the best representatives of the society, Islam marked an unprecedented great civilizations of the gap. The people belonging to civilizations with ancient heritage, and this gap created a feeling of eternal youth or even immortality .

When Islamized civilization spread throughout the Old World, which was also unique for that time, the break with the old local cultural heritage has become even more apparent.

Islam, in turn, is not associated with a region, and began to dominate even in the heart of the ancient Greek and the Sanskrit traditions. Islamisierung community was the only direct heir, rather, it was the successor of the earlier society from the Nile to the Amu Darya. From a geographical point of view, but also from the perspective of human and material resources of Islam became the undisputed heir to the traditions of Ancient Babylon, Egypt, Jews, Persians and their numerous neighbors. To be precise, he inherited the Semitic and Iranian traditions cultivated centuries before the rise of Islam, these traditions are based on more ancient heritages.
On the everyday level of life and way of thinking of the early Islamic period was not much different from the late pre-Islamic.
The various elements of the culture of the Islamic period, such as rhythmic motives, social customs, the presence of other religions, such as Christianity, attained significance only against the background of earlier cultures. Moreover, Muslims have inherited and objectives, and the opportunities and temptations of their ancestors. And even the new aspects of civilization, such as ours, the Muslim religion was formed in the context of the old Iranian-Semitic traditions. The goal, adhere to the norm – all this has for a long time took its General shape.

Therefore, all the achievements of the Muslims, as reflected in the literature or in art on a more profound level implies the continuation of a living tradition that existed in the region even before Islam.

To understand these accomplishments and appreciate their uniqueness, it is necessary to remember the motivating power of life. What has changed in Islam is the importance of certain elements in the culture and their balance. In striking this new balance impulses that have shaped the Islamic culture, was absolutely exhaustive and self-sufficient. But even these impulses refer to the pre-Islamic period. With the proclamation of Islam in Arabia, or even since the Muslim conquests in Iran-Semitic society, a new subculture, a new set of cultural traditions. But it has not yet been Islamic civilization, although the main element of its heritage was already present. Basic expectations, knowledge, and even a certain style was a substance of social traditions. They played a crucial role in the formation of civilization. And maybe these elements were more important than the legacy of the nascent Muslim community. Of course, for the formation of civilization that is necessary.

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