Monday, July 18, 2016

Creator and Ruler of the Universe explained by science

First of any spiritual teaching should be the attitude towards the existence of one God — the Creator and Ruler of the Universe.


The same requirement should be attributed to any religious or philosophical text, or even purely scientific text, but which have important ideological value. Recall that the question mankind has asked themselves for thousands of years, as it is said in the Psalm of king David three thousand years ago:
"the fool hath said
in his heart there is No God"
(PS. 13:1).

The success of non-religious science, radically changed in two centuries, the living conditions of all mankind, has led many people to believe that this question is not relevant. Hence the attempts of theologians is not limited to the religion of the sufficiency of faith, namely, the key scientific evidence to prove Its existence. To this end, in the nineteenth century, a contemporary of Charles Darwin, the Englishman William Paley published a work entitled "Natural theology".
The essence of his argument was to ensure that everything created by human hands, was as the author of the idea and its performer. Moreover, in his opinion, It should have such a grandiose creation as the universe.

However, the proof of the Paley materialists have been found a logical flaw, as expressed in the question: "who created God?"

That is, from the standpoint of formal logic it was shown that from the solution of a relatively simple question about the creation of the Universe arises a more difficult question about its Creator.

But, as prophetically foresaw :

"Spokesmen for militant and rational mindset inherited from the philosophers and efforts in connection with the rapid progress of the natural Sciences, these minds built some provisions of modern materialism in the Covenant, a cornerstone of the dogma, never expressing the idea that the same science in a hundred years will begin to undermine the foundations of the dogma" [1, 439].
A kind of confirmation of this prophecy were the words of a distinguished representative of science astrophysicist S. Hawking. Hawking, describing himself as a positivist and then denying the existence of God in some works ,Grand Design, doubting others, writes that:

"We have to recognize that the origin of the Universe, apparently, lies beyond science" [3, 87].

Then he makes a forced confession:"From the General theory of relativity should be: inside a black hole time is running out. However, the beginning and the end of time are the points at which the equations of General relativity fail. In particular, the theory of relativity cannot predict which should be formed from the Big Bang. Someone sees in this manifestation of divine freedom, the opportunity to start the development of the Universe in any way God "

However, with all due respect to S. Hawking, his opinion is no proof of God's existence, since science is not based on opinions but evidence. So let's try to solve the issue of the existence of the Creator, starting from the scientific facts. Refer for this to the historical research of the biblical text.

Researcher George. McDowell writes:

"It (the Bible) is the only volume ever written of a person or group of people in which we find a large number of prophecies relating to individual Nations, to Israel, to all the tribes of the earth, to certain cities, and the coming of the one Who was to be the Messiah.
In the ancient world they had many ways of predicting the future. And yet, in the whole range of Greek and Latin literature, using the words "Prorok and "Pro - phet, we can't find any specific predictions of major historical events that take place in the distant future".
Then, George. McDowell provides data for historical research contained in the book of Peter Stoner's "Science Says" about the future of the great cities and States, contemporaries of the prophetic predictions: tyre, Samaria, Gaza and Ashkelon, Jerusalem, Palestine, Moab, Ammon, Petra, Edom and Babylon, Assyria and its capital Nineveh, the ancient capitals of Egypt Memphis and Thebes,In the end, the author comes to the following conclusion:

"No human being, never made predictions, any comparable with those which we have just reviewed, and also precisely true. The time interval between these prophecies and their fulfillment is so great that even the most severe critic will not be able to claim that they were made after the predicted event".

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