Saturday, July 16, 2016

Characteristics of Hadith

 Characteristics of Hadith


The structure of the hadith has two parts: an enumeration of the names of the transmitters of the hadith, i.e., his source of support (art. the isnad) and the actual content of the hadith (ar. matn).
Transmitter of hadith must be a person with a spotless reputation, who can not be suspected of misrepresentation or fraud. Compiled entire directories with the names and biographies of worthy of confidence men (AP. rijal). Apparently, it excluded forgeries and false, representing the content of the hadith is absolutely authentic. In order to give part of the hadith's absolute truth, their authorship was erected to the God (ar. al-hadith al-Qudsi).

But could it exclude the falsification of hadith Sunnah so it would seem, diligent regard to the names of transmitters and the content? No. And the main reason for the unreliability of most of the hadith is the ideological clash of interests of different social circles of the Arab Caliphate. Every class, social stratum, or tribe sought to represent, protect and sanctify their interests respected “prophet”.

This gave rise to rampant fabrication of hadith with hope for the success of their vested interests. As noted above, theologians themselves were carefully chosen from hundreds of thousands of hadith a few percent deserving, in their opinion, trust. The arbitrariness in the emergence of hadiths were full. And for a recognition of experts, the history of Islam didn't know better “Holy deception”, rather than the mass composition of hadith with the intention to assert that the greatest authority of Allah and Muhammad patronize precisely that, protect those things or instructing them to do so.

Reliability of the Hadith through history

However, the actual low reliability of the hadith does not mean that the Sunnah cannot be considered worthy of attention or to treat it as an arbitrary fiction. Its contents must be approached historically, and then found that it absorbed a vast amount of material that reflects the real needs and views of people of his time. If the proportion of known hoaxes and eclectic hadith can be estimated as an important source of early mongols period, which contains the reflection: the evolution of ideological representations of Arabs and polytheists to monotheism, the worship of Allah; characteristics of individual Arab clans and tribes and personalities; his account of Hiking the troops of the Caliphate; the desire to unite the Arabs and converted to Islam of the peoples; the efforts to develop and to adopt as a regulator of relations between co-religionists the principles of ethical and legal norms; the desire for clearer and more complete than the Quran, the definition of the basis of faith and dogma of Islam, and practices of the cult of Allah; the desire to have higher sanctions on everyday life, the adoption of traditions, rites, rituals, etc.

As you can see, the Sunnah has considerably supplemented the Koran and their n life, fully reflect the rational requirements of people. The same thing happened with the very Islam: poorly defined contours of the doctrine in the Koran, elaborated in the hadith and this has contributed to the design of the entire system of worship of Allah.

Understanding of life through Hadith 

It is these virtues Sunnah acquired in the opinion of their supporters is high authority. Often it was esteemed equally with the Koran to be said of the literary and substantive merits of the Sunnah. Many hadiths have become a model of brevity, imagery, and depth of expression.
They represented different genres – from poetry to trenchant satires. The spiritual culture of many peoples of the Muslim East found its original release in the hadith, when in behalf of the Supreme authority of Allah and Mohammed, it was possible to express the full range of life affirming emotions and thoughts. That is why in the hadith prevails not religious, but secular issues, and the understanding of life expressed in optimistic colors without illusions and ideals of the afterlife. Of course, the gathering of hadith fell primarily into the hands of theologians, became professionals (muhaddiseen) this genre фольклора1.
It is clear that their efforts were selected as “reliable” first of all the hadith vosstavshie of Allah, the prophet, our beliefs, religious requirements, etc. But with all the passion of those scholars of hadith were negligible compared to those which expressed secular views and vital aspirations of the people. So muhaddis were forced to include in the index a significant and substantial part of the folklore material of non-religious content: the richer life of religious observance and normal people scratching their limited scope. In fact, there is at least jot religious in following the hadith?
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