Saturday, July 16, 2016



 Re-imagining organic compound of the ancient worship of sacred objects with the elements of the cult of Allah is inextricably linked to the emergence and development of the system of Islam.
Emerged comparatively later than other world religions Islam is not totally original religious system. Adding in conditions of polytheism, he borrowed considerable material of religious ideas from neighboring Judaism and Christianity. Although, however, this effect was not as immediate as it is frequently presented in the literature.

The Arabic heritage 

The Arab polytheists were influenced by people, long before the VII century followers of other religions. In Arabia they found a refuge to various religious sect, persecuted in their homeland. Naturally, among the Arab polytheists could not be sown the seeds of other religions. Moreover, the Arabs in some areas of the Peninsula professed Christianity and Judaism. The Yemeni city of Najran was Christian in the Sinai Peninsula, the influence of Christianity was strong: there were many churches and monasteries, Christian Arabs lived in Syria. Some Arab tribes converted to Judaism. The city of Yathrib – was the name of Medina before moving to Mohammed with his supporters in 622, from the time he became known as Medinet al-Nabi, “the city of the prophet”, was one of the major centers of Judaism. There found a shelter the persecuted in other places of the sect of Christians, Nazarenes, Jews. In these earlier against the Islam religion had already developed the cult of a single deity, Yahweh, Christ. Along with the worship of the God was venerated different saints, prophets, spirits, angels; they were opposed to evil demonic powers.

Naturally, with the influence of other religions on Islam could not stay out of the cult of saints. Deity of the Arabs gradually to find embodiment in the saints whose images are already formed among the people of other religions. Was even borrowed the names of saints and prophets. So, some biblical prophets were turned into Muslim paigambara with the same names: Noah is Nuh in the Quran, Moses, Musa, Jesus to ISA, Elijah, Elias, job – Ayub, Abraham – Abraham Solomon – Suleiman, etc.

This is undoubted evidence of the influence of Judaism and Christianity on the formation and the formation of the cult of saints in Islam. But it's just influence, but not the determining factor in the emergence of the cult of saints in Islam, as it is sometimes represented in the literature. Affected Judaism and Christianity in the formation of early Islam together with the veneration of saints is a complex process, mediated primarily by the combination of internal social, cultural and spiritual features of development of the Arab ethnic group in VI-VII centuries.

Rise of Islam

With the emergence of Islam, the belief in ancestral fetishes and tribal deities as hard to overcome the sinful misconception. Original Islam spoke strongly against the worship of anyone except one God – Allah. And this is logical, because, as noted above, the struggle for faith in one God was held in the atmosphere of a vast tradition of polytheism. To turn the eyes of the Arabs and polytheists to Allah was only possible through the unconditional recognition of his one Almighty power. And the struggle for strict monotheism with God reflected in the Qur'an. All the Holy book of Islam is imbued with a rejection of any “partners” of Allah in his Affairs” and curses those who accept other gods besides the “one” of the Almighty – Allah.

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