The importance of position and posture
Experience teaches that the position and posture effect the concentration and state of mind. This drew the attention of some Christian writers of East and West.Although the thought of these authors and has elements in common with non-Christian religions, but they are devoid of the exaggeration and one-sideness which today often abound with deals of people are not prepared. Studying spirituality, these Christian authors have interpreted the elements that help focus on prayer. However, these authors recognized their conditional value.
Psychophysical Methods
They are useful if taken in understanding the goal of the Christian PrayerFor example, fasting in Christianity is first of all the meaning of repentance.But in the opinion of the Fathers of the Church it was intended to help people to tune into meet God, until the ability of a Christian to possess him and make it more attentive to the needs of the brothers. In prayer man is called to communicate with God. Thus, his body should adopt a position most conductive.This position of the body may be a symbolic way to Express itself in prayer, varying depending on cultural preferences and personal qualities of praying. In some parts of the world. Christians are increasingly aware that one or the other position of the body can to promote prayer.
Christian prayers have long appreciated the Psychophysical Methods
Symbolism, which was lacking prayer in the West. It may be treated as a particular body position, and basic life functions, such as breathing or heartbeat. For example, the practice of Jesus prayer meet the natural rhythm of breathing can, at least for some time.
On the other hand, those Eastern teachers confirmed that not all equally able to use this symbolism, since not everyone is able to move from the external material sign to search for spiritual reality. Wrong understood the symbolism can even become an idol and to prevent the ascension of the spirit
to God. Even more difficult is an experience in prayer of all reality own body as a symbol. It can turn into a cult of the body and lead to deceptive identification of emerging impressions and emotional experiences with experiences spiritual.
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