Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Conquest Of Finland

Initially Alexander I wanted to attach Finland to his Empire. 

Those teleological explanation, according to which Russia gradually expanded their range to their natural border river Torniojoki (Thorn), was given after the signing of the Hamina peace. Ponachalu war with Sweden 1808, during which Russian troops occupied "Finland", seemed similar to the Russo-Swedish war 1742 or 1710-1721. In the Tilsit Treaty, Napopolam and Alexander 1 it was stipulated only that Russia should
scrunity Sweden and Denmark to participate in the continental blockade of England. The choice of means to solve this problem remained for Alexander 1. After diplomatic steps Russia had no effect on Gustav IV, it was decided to do military pressure. The promise to convene representatives Finnish classes at the Congress in Turku, which was in the manifest of the Supreme commander Buxhoevden, common among the Finnish population before the Russian troops crossed the border, did not mean the decision on the annexation of conquered territory forever, as meeting County officials convened already during the "low enmity" 13 In Turku.

Soon, however, at the end of March, when the Russian arrived in Turku, foreign States announced its entry forever Swedish Finlandii to Russia. 

The reason was to arrange the arrest in Stockholm of the Russian Ambassador Alopeus, but  for true the reasons were the desire of Russia paucity compensation for the defeat that they suffered in Turkey, as well as the need to counterbalance the success of Napoleon in Spain.
Because the military action contrary to what was intended, has not been as successful, promised the diet to Turku was not convened. Resistance and counter-attack the Swedes prevented the implementation of of this plan. Peasant "guerrilla war" also mattered. But after the decision on the official accession persons took the oath of allegiance to the new monarch from the population of Finland, and then, in June, issued a Manifesto, which also referred to the strong adherence of Finland
to Russia. The Emperor was assured to it's new subjects the same Akanov right.

The conquest of Finland, Russia followed his conquests in Estonia and Livonia: even before the signing of the interstate the peace Treaty established a new contact with new subjects, confirming their previous laws and rights, and taking from them allegiance for the conquest and pacification of the country largely facilitated by the fact that the Bishop of Åbo, its leadership officials and governors, expressed their popiest and willingness to cooperate.
Instead of the Saeima (Parliament) in Turku were elected and sent to Once 1808 in Petersburg a deputation from the estates. At the meeting in Erfurt in autumn 1808, Alexander I received from Napoleon's consent on the accession of the occupied territories to Russia. Meeting in Erfurt was the kind of event to clarify the provisions of The Tilsit Treaty. It made it possible to create bolee stielow the system of civil administration of Finland. In the beginning the Emperor approved the regulation (rulebook) temporary Committee, appointed G. M. of Stringsorting General
Governor, and put it right Finish law cases directly to the Emperor, bypassing the Ministers of the Empire.

However, a temporary Committee was never established. 

Between the deputation and the Emperor was signed the "contract", for substantially similar, in particular, the treaties of surrender
which were concluded with the nobility and cities of Estonia and Livonia In 1710, just as it was done by representatives of the Estonia and Livonia, the deputation made a list of wishes, to which the Emperor laid his Resepsi. More prior to his composing the deputation stated that she is not entitled to half 1 mochumi of the diet, with the Emperor's promise to convene the estates meeting. In the wish-list of 15 of the items discussed. On particular questions, for example about the correct construction of Lecha (in order to avoid the occurrence of fire), and the most important and essential - about the overall security by maintaining the laws and rights and the establishment of govern helistuudio of the Committee from among the most educated people in the region unde the Governor-General.
During the stay of the deputation to St. Petersburg, the Russian Emperor, crowned with numerous titles, declared himself also Grand Duke of Finland. Emperors before, for example the conquests in the Baltic States, took title wore the ruler of the conquered territory. Thus, easy to add title to existing, as such, have not meant the birth of Finland as a political community.

FAQ for Christianity

1) Why are there four Gospels?

Many readers of the New Testament are surprised that there are four gospels, not one, and because they were written by four authors, it creates the impression that we don't even have the gospel (Injil) of Jesus. However, the truth lies in the fact that in reality we have one, The gospel, and the gospel of Jesus the Messiah. He Himself is the gospel. The word "Gospel" means "Good News" and this Good News we find in the Person Christ. Therefore, the narrative of the four Gospels of the Bible are the four narratives are one and the same gospel. Therefore, Mark's account in really is the gospel of Jesus the Messiah according to Mark ("the Beginning The Gospel Of Jesus Christ...", Mark 1:1). The fact that we have four story, it only confirms the argument in favor of the accuracy of these narratives. If we had only one narrative, then we certainly would arise doubts about how to judge the reliability of the source, then as in fact we have four narratives of the events, which we read in them.
If four people came to Trafalgar square in London, sat at the four corners and described the Column of Nelson and everything they see around them, their written evidence would have been different. Their narrative is not contradicted to each other, but complement each other. In the four Gospels there are differences, but together they represent a complete picture of the personality of Christ. Each author reveals the Ministry and mission of Christ.
This can be illustrated by the example of how four authors of the gospel — Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John — show the genealogy of Christ. 
Matthew, as everyone knows, wrote for the Jews and wanted to show that Christ is the real Messiah. So he showed in the genealogy, that Christ is the Son of David and Son of Abraham.
Mark emphasized the Ministry of Christ did not speak of His birth, and focused solely on His service.
Luke showed Christ's person, therefore he presented His genealogy, which was conducted not only to David and Abraham, but to Adam.
John wanted to show that Christ is there with the beginning of history. So it says nothing about the genealogy of Christ, nor of His birth, and goes on David, Abraham and Adam to eternity and says:
 "The beginning was the Word" (John 1:1).

2) Why there is there separation in Christianity?

Christianity is mainly divided into three branches — Catholicism,
Orthodoxy and Protestantism. First and foremost it should be noted that if necessary was to outline a General range, we would include all these three branches. In other words, the three branches agreed on the fundamental truths of the Christian faith, includes most, if not all, of what is written in this little book. There are other groups, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, out of this circle, because their beliefs go against the fundamental Christian truths. Between the Catholic and Orthodox Church that split in 1054, there are many similarities; the Catholic Church known as the West and as Eastern Orthodox. Both make a strong emphasis on tradition and ceremony. The main difference between these churches and the Protestant Church is to question authority. When Martin Luther argued against that position the Church, which prevailed in his time, he was convinced that the Church has departed from the principles original Christianity. Simply put, the Catholic Church in addition to The Bible felt the same authoritative traditions and officially recognized by the government the Church and the Pope. For example, the very existence of the Pope, belief in the divine authority of Mary and the need to confess their sins before the Holy the deacon is the concept that is not written in The Bible. As it is said Martin Luther, "our authority is the Scripture alone, by faith alone and only by
The grace of God". So the Protestant movement was a reaction of protest, Protestants
sought to return to the authoritative truths that we find only in The Bible. Of course, Protestantism itself was divided over time into many various Christian groups, and the differences between them exist, the main way, on issues of structure and organization. In many countries there are
alliances that bring together churches who believe in the Bible, and although the views of these churches on the structure and methods of worship in secondary issues teachings differ on the main issues of Christian faith and practice they are unanimous.

3) What special days and holidays there are in Christianity?

Giving paramount importance to the spiritual aspects of the Christian faith, many Christians unlike many traditional churches do not give much importance to the observance of special "Holy holidays" or ceremonies. Having in mind those facts,Christianity reveals to people not only in his teaching but in the historical events, and these events are held in accordance with the Christian calendar.
Two of the most important events in Christianity are Christmas, when celebrated
the birth of Christ, and Easter, consisting of good Friday and Easter Sundays, which mark respectively, the death and resurrection of Christ. Other important events are the Ascension, which always falls on Thursday, forty days after Easter, and the Coming of the Holy spirit, which
celebrated ten days later, which always falls on a Sunday. Christmas always falls on December 25, and Easter time is determined by the Jewish lunar calendar and usually it falls at the end of March or on April. It should also be noted that the New year is not considered a Christian
holiday, although it is associated with the Christian calendar.

One God - One Way

The Old Testament and The New testament 

What says Christianity? To review special Christian views and practices it seems reasonable to ask the following question: "What is this great picture?" If you are considering extensive painting, you can start paint the details, but you can, keeping far away, to notice all, or, as says the English expression: "to see the forest from the trees".

Jews, Christians and Muslims, like the Hindus, and adherents of Eastern religions (to recognize the cyclical nature of history and that it repeats itself) believe that history is a straight line with a beginning and end. Where Christians come to this position? Many people mistakenly think that
Christians uprooted from the history of Jesus (ISA al masih) and stole the followers of the person who lived 2000 years ago, but had no connection with history before or after him. But it is not done properly and Union with God's plan and purpose. Christians believe that God created people to have relationships with them, and at the beginning, in the days of Adam and Eve. The man and
the woman were not made by robots; they were given free will, but as deceived by Satan they disobeyed God's commandment and lost spiritual relationship with God. Spiritual and physical death entered the world, leading to separation from God and eventually to eternal death.
The situation continued to deteriorate to such an extent that God destroyed all through the flood and resumed relations with Noah and his family. Sin, however, continued to dominate, as seen in the incident with the tower of Babel (Genesis Chapter 11). In light of these big cosmic events such as the fall of man and the scattering of people the world after the tower of Babel (Genesis 3 — 11), God set in the effect of Its recovery plan, to bring blessing and salvation to all humanity.
Ludovico Mazzolino - God the Father

Abraham and the people of God

Abraham was elected, and after his family grew up in the nation Israel, put the Foundation, which was to prepare the world for the coming blessings and salvation. God entered into a special, sealed the agreement communication with His people and through Moses (Musa) and Joshua led the people out of Egyptian captivity through the wilderness into the promised land. All this is recorded in the Bible (Kitab al Muqaddas) and in the part known as the Old Testament, discovered some principles which help to show that there is not only one God, but also the only way to Him. For example,
through the history of the nation of Israel identified the following principles:
1. People are full of sin and separated from God and are under deserved condemnation to be punished for their sins.
2. There is nothing that people can do, such as good deeds to deserve the adoption of God.
3. But God in His mercy has provided for the principle of sacrifice so that "sinless" animal replaces all the sin of the individual, and this leads to forgiveness.
4. God gave the law through Moses that His people knew how to live the people of God.

God singled out priests, representing His people and brought sacrifices to the altar in the tabernacle (the temporary structure, installed in the desert for worship) or in the temple later built by Solomon. 

God also sent prophets, represented Him, and who carried the Word of God to His people. After great leaders, like Moses and Joshua, became known to the other leaders-judges, and then put the kings to lead the people of God. Despite all this, the people wanted something better and perfect.
Repeated failures in the Affairs of the people, or some of its leaders encouraged change. Therefore in the old Testament many references to the coming of the being as the Messiah (al-masih, the Anointed one, or Christ). Moses spoke of the coming of the special prophet; there was expectation of a perfect high priest, who will live forever, and in light of the insolvency of the kings, the promises of God's perfect the king, whose reign will also be eternal.
In the old Testament, God had great limitations and obstacles, and due to constant failures and mistakes there were also the need for people to change themselves. So, in the old Testament there is mention of the upcoming new contract which, among other blessings, includes the perfect sacrifice for sin, and a new temple — a meeting place and an outpouring of the spirit of God for all believers, entailing a change of the human heart. For this reason the Bible is divided into two parts: the old Testament (Ahd al-Kadhim) and the New Testament (Ahd al-Jadid), where the word "Testament" means "contract".
Therefore, summing up the hopes of the old Testament, people were expecting:
• perfect prophet, priest, and king,
• perfect sacrifice for sins,
• new contract
• the new Church
• internal change of all believers by God's Spirit.

The Evangelical evidence

Would be useful, if moreover I  give testimony of the Jew Joseph, who in the eighteenth book of his Jewish antiquities, described the times of Pilate, mentions our Saviour saying:

"About that time lived Jesus, a wise man, if He can be called a man. 
He did amazing things andtaught people that worshipped the truth. 
He attracted many Jews and many Greeks.
It was Christ. 
Denounced by our superiors, Pilate condemned Him to be crucified, but those who from the beginning loved Him, He calls out to the faithful.
On the third day He appeared to them alive. 
The Prophets Of God predicted it and many others about Him."

(Fotó: Nehézy László, MKGY)
So, if and as the historian has It attracted not only the twelve apostles or even the seventy disciples, but many Jews and many of the Greeks, it is obvious that He possessed such power, which is not possessed by others. Is not surprising, that his miraculous deeds, previously unheard of doctrine had attracted so many people to follow him?

The Jews were punished for their crimes, for what crucified Jesus, the divine judge, and then persecuted His. Many of the Jews and many Gentiles believed in Him, attracted by his moral precepts and his acts. And even His death did not put the end of their faith and love, but rather increased their commitment...

 Joseph, Josephus about Christ

The Jews also testified [about Christ], as did Joseph, who wrote their history, which says:
"At this time was living a man, if you can call Him a man, who made
amazing things that on the third day after his death was alive according to the Scriptures of the prophets, who predicted on that earlier. It is this and much more extremely wonderful. He's the one Who went and titled people Christian, penetrated into every human race, so there is no nation in the Roman world, not familiar with His religion."
If the Jews do not believe us, then let them believe their own. For it is said of Joseph, whom they revered the great; but still saying so, they didn't believe him.
And yet, he said, to confirm the historical truth (historiae fidem), because they believed the deception by sin, even though he was an unbeliever, because the fossils of his heart and wicked thoughts.
The truth is not affected by the fact that he was an unbeliever, but, on the contrary,
this is what adds weight to his testimony, he did not want it to be true, it is nevertheless not
denied that this was so.

 Jerome. About famous men,

Joseph, son of Matthias... In the eighteenth book of the Antiquities, very frankly admits that Christ was put to death by the Pharisees. That He had done great miracles, that John the Baptist was a true
prophet and that he was destroyed for killing the Apostle James.
And the Lord wrote the following:
"At the time was Jesus, a wise man, if only you can call Him a man. 
Because He did marvellous things and taught those who are willing to perceive the truth. 
He had very many followers both of the Jews and other people who believe that He is Christ. Although denounced by our superiors
Pilate condemned Him to be crucified, but nevertheless wavered in their faith
in It, those who first loved Him.
For He appeared to them on the third day alive, according to the predictions of the prophets, 
those who foretold about It is, and more amazing. 
And Christian race, having Him and his name, till date not reduced.

The Coming Of The Messiah

 Perfect and complete revelation of the living God

With the end of the old Testament before the birth of Christ there is a gap length in 400 years and
"silence" from God. However, God knew what He was doing, and as the Apostle Paul said "when the fullness of time has come" God sent Christ into this world.
As one Professor from College read "the history of the world civilization" during a study in Tehran many years ago, the most appropriate time with political, cultural, social and safety points of view for the parish.

There was a time when He came, The Savior in the world . It was the best time in history that  was supposed to be able to take the message of Christ.

The Prophet:
Why did He come? Is He like a long chain of prophets who came before and carried the message of God, or there is something else?

Coming Of The Messiah
1857, canvas, oil, 540x750 cm


On the one hand, the prophet, of course,  fulfilling the prophecy of Moses concerning the  Prophet who is to come. In fact, the people of  Jesus's time heard it and said, "This is truly the  Prophet That should come into the  world" (John 6:14; 7:401), and later the Apostle  Peter confirmed it during a sermon in Jerusalem-  Salima (Acts 3:22).
 Finally Jesus also used this title twice (Mark6:4;  Luke13:33).

But in what sense is He a prophet?

Christians believe that, although true the fact that He was born of the virgin Mary, this was not the beginning of Its existence.
Christ was always and always have been. It is the Word of God (Kalimatullah) Says Injil: 
"In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in
the beginning with God... And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:1-2,14).

The uniqueness of Jesus not only in what he prophesies about the future, how other prophets, or brings a message from God, like other prophets, but God speaks to us through all His being and personality. Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15), and God spoke in past through prophets, in these last days speaks to us through the Person of Christ (Hebrews 1:1-2).

Through His life, teachings, miracles, and Its presence on earth, Christ shows us what God is and that there is a God who loves us and cares about us. The acts of Christ are acts of God,
 and therefore, as God's representative He bears a perfect and complete revelation of the living God.

Pearl of Great Price

In this post we will consider answering the question of the uniqueness of Christianity. What blessings can you find in Christianity and anywhere else? Or you can use the parable of Jesus about the merchant, seeking precious pearls, who having found the pearl of great price, goes and
sells all that he has, after peg buys it (Matthew 13:45-46). What is in the Christian doctrine so dear to the pearl?There are at least four aspects, which the Christians consider how special and unique their faith is

1) Knowledge of God: the concept of revelation and how the one true God reveals Himself through Christ

People everywhere are sincerely seeking God. Excessive attention to factor the greatness and power of God can do It in the view of the distant, impersonal, unknowable. Religion can become a dead set of laws and rules rather than a relationship of love that exists between God the Creator and
people, His creations. The uniqueness of Christianity is that one true God, Who loves mankind and wants to establish with the people closest and a trust relationship has revealed Himself through Christ that all people might know Him as your Father in Heaven. Therefore, there is no greater joy and honor than to know God and to know him as Father.

2) The Forgiveness of sins: the concept of purification, and how the one true God forgives us through the sacrifice of Christ

Most religions call people to repentance, but this call depends on the end of sin, i.e. what exactly need to repent. Some people consider themselves sinners because the committed some evil act, not because they were born a sinner, or that in their hearts lives a sinful nature. So the call to repentance such people understand the need to repent the violation of rituals and morals and strive to atone for specific sins and go back by doing good deeds. The biblical concept of sin shows that true forgiveness is not only erase bad deeds of the great Ledger. First of all you need to realize that all have sinned against God because of the sinfulness of our thoughts, words, affairs and of life itself. So all need forgiveness to be able to establish a right relationship between God and man. Sin separates us from God and true forgiveness is only possible through the sacrifice of Christ, which man has the ability to communicate with God. In fact, many people have feelings of guilt about the mistakes, and they genuinely feel need to be confident that they are forgiven. Therefore, a man can have no greater pleasure and value than to know that his sins have been forgiven.

3) Assurance of salvation: the difference between law and grace as the basis of God approval

Many religions teach that God forgives sin, but the basis of forgiveness in different religions are different. In some cases, a salvation based on obedience to human law, whereas in Christianity it is based solely on God's grace. Others tell people what they must do to earn salvation; Christianity tells man that made God to give him salvation. Therefore, in the first case, there is no assurance of salvation, because in this world people do not can know for sure where God has ordained it in heaven or hell. However, in Christianity, even if the people themselves do not consider themselves worthy of God's forgiveness, on the basis of Christ's death God gives the salvation that man must accept by faith. Good works in the Christian life is important, but salvation and acceptance of man by God is not depending on these cases. Therefore, there is no greater joy and honor than to know that God has accepted a person.

4) Change of heart: the difference between the external reforms and internal changes

In many countries, religious leaders are taking decisive actions to bring their society in line with the principles, laws and the rules of their religion. Sometimes these actions lead to conflicts between
religious tip and a certain part of the population rebelling against such orders perceived by them as harmful and destructive. Good examples of this we see in the doctrine of Christ, whence we learn that
the man, that defiles a sinful heart that no external reforms edit. The people themselves are their own character and can not change. They are not able to turn sinful desires to righteous or the love of sin, love of righteousness. Only new life and strength given by God, can change a man and give him the ability to live a righteous life of obedience to God's will. Therefore, there is no greater joy and honor than receiving this new life and strength from God giving us the Holy Spirit. So help each of us live God to find this "pearl of great price", no matter how much it may cost.

Solar eclipse and earthquake during the crucifixion of Christ

According to the Gospels, as the birth and death of Jesus on the cross accompanied by extraordinary natural phenomena.

N. Currier via LOC

"The sixth hour darkness came over the whole land
 until the ninth hour",
read in the evangelists of the heavenly signs at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus and this message repeat them to word for word, of course, goes back to one common source. Matfaye adds,
" The darkness was accompanied by an earthquake 
                     and the earth did quake; 
                     and the rocks were split" .
Since attempts to find echoes of such Newby- the tea incident in the annals of that era. Even the early Christian the apologist Tertullian , addressing the Romans, wrote: "RAS fifth, He showed many signs of... At the same time there was a significant lo Eclipse of the sun during the day. This Eclipse is considered ordinary to the ones who didn't know what was foretold about Christ. Notification of this
Eclipse as a world disaster, in the archives" (Apologetic,XXI 19). Perhaps, in this case we are talking about Acts of Pilate, or about one of the false "letters of Pilate" to the Emperor Tiberius (or Claudius) then appeared in different variations.
Starting with Julius Africanus , Origen and Eusebius of CES-enters the country from Christian apologists betrayed exceptional value the Greek historian of Phlegon who mentioned about the Eclipse, the sun and the strongest earthquake of CA. 32-33 ad. On he messages of the Patriarch of Constantinople Photius, the Byzantine lexicon Suda (UD), a Freedman of the Emperor Hadrian (117-138 ad) and left several works, including historical chronicle ("Excerpts from the Olympics"), cher-
fell information Julius Africanus and Origen. This chronicle has not survived and is known only in short fragments, quoted by later. Characteristically, the place where Phlegon tells about the Eclipse of the sun, and ZEM- tetracene in Bithynia, is only in Christian writers; however, the same applies almost to the whole essay. Despite this, the message of Fregona what we see in the transfer
Eusebius and Jerome, it seems genuine. The fact that the epicenter of the earthquake called the Asia minor area, quite remote from Palestine,speaks in favor of non-Christian origin of this message. If
we were dealing with preevangelism fiction, then this quote would have a number of specific features inherent in the Christian apocriticus-hell the literature (a notable dependence on the Gospels, the gospel of phraseology, etc.), and probably would have marked the epicenter of the earthquake Jerusalem. It does not cause special objections and Dating, allowing to include a solar Eclipse and an earthquake to 32-33 ad. Somewhat puzzling reference to Phlegon of Origen. According to him,
Flagon "attributed to Christ in the anticipation of an unknown future" (Against Celsus, II, 14).
Are we to understand it so that Phlegon wrote of Christ? Judging by the meaning of the text, no. However, in this place of orientation the gene is expressed in a very vague and mysterious way. In two other passages he is more intelligible and undoubtedly has in mind the message of Flagon that
quoting other Christian authors. Although here we see Origen only a cursory reference to a solar Eclipse and the great earthquake what happened during the crucifixion of Jesus, without specifying the scene and other details. Apparently, Origen used the same data as his colleagues, and still remark it, as if Flagon attributed, predicting the Barcelona of the future, Jesus Christ or the Apostle Peter, should be attributed to account of the arbitrary interpretation of the message of Flagon or revelation made by Origen in the heat of debate. Suppose a historian of the first half of the II century Publius Aelius Phlegon  about the solar Eclipse and earthquake in Bithynia around the same year in which in Jerusalem was executed Jesus Chris. But something in the message Flagon as his lead Christians authors is still suspicious. For example, the sixth-the hour of the solar Eclipse, reminiscent of the corresponding seminariya Evangelcal message. Maybe Phlegon knew the gospel? He was born
in Asia Minor, in Trellech, where the end of the first century there was a Christian community
with your Bishop. The possibility that Flagon enjoyed Christian traditions, cannot be ruled out, although it is unlikely. This court historian wholly followed the religious policy of imperator Adrian, who treated the Christians contemptuously hostile (see section III, document 4B). Characterized by the remark of Origen, that Flagon testifying for Christ against his will. The less, we have Flegon had no reason to reproduce the details of the gospel history-RII, even if he knew it.

A passage from the writings of Origen is given in the translation by L. Pisarev (1912). Fragments of the works of Phlegon in the transmission of Eusebius of Caesarea St, Jerome and John Philopon transferred by publication:
Easter Die Fragmente der Historiker (FGrH) / Ed. F. Jacobi. Bd. II,
"B". Berlin, 1929. N 257; 4, 16a, 16C. Excerpts from the Paschal chronicle and
"Chronicle of John Malala translated at Patrology by J. Ming
(PG 92, 536; 97, 369). Excerpt from the Chronicle of Michael the Syrian re-
led by publication: Michel le Syrien. Chronique / Ed. et trad. en franç. par
J. B. Chabot. Vol. I. Paris, 1899. P. 143-144.